Mostrando 13–24 de 25 resultados de "PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE"

  • Title Xueños
    Author Miguel Quintana Pali
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Conecta
    ISBN 9786073183246
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 232
    Format Printed
    THEMA Biography: business and industry
    Synopsis There are few stories in Mexico that have changed the business and social life of the country as that of architect Miguel Quintana Pali, founder and CEO of Grupo Xcaret. The pioneer of sustainable tourism synthesizes his nearly five decades of experience as an entrepreneur and businessman, first as a shopkeeper, then as a parquero and now as a hotelier in some tips for those looking to start a businessand musts for success. From his first school business and the invention of a table lamp that made him take the leap into entrepreneurship and found Tiendas Pali, Quintana tells the story of how he turned Xcaret into a world-renowned embassy of Mexico that today receives two million visitors a year. In a journey through his life as well as the history of the Xcaret Group, we discover how the ideas for the parks and the process of creating some of the most emblematic attractions, the challenges of budgeting for a form of architecture that respects nature, the differences between partners, 360º sustainability, operational and marketing strategies, in-house technological innovation, the different social actions that have become part of the group's the DNA of the group and its people, the philosophy based on happiness both inside and outside the organization, and finally the projects that are in the pipeline or already being built to become a reality. An intimate glimpse into the creative genius of one of the most divergent minds committed to the development of Mexico.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Doce sustos y un perico
    Author Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Montena
    ISBN 9786073171687
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 256
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s / Teenage fiction: Horror and ghost stories, chillers
    Synopsis Águeda Chacón Churruca made a great fortune with her horror books, her readers adored her, although she hated them: "I write to make them suffer," she would say. In reality, Agueda detested everyone, especially her family, whom she always branded as shoddy, lazy, self-serving, and with ugly hair. One tragic day Águeda died one tragic day, electrocuted in her massage chair, leaving her immense fortune to the relative who manages to spend twelve nights in her collection of haunted properties, which is scattered all over the world. Ghosts, possessed dolls, haunted castles and a host of terrifying scenarios await Chacón family. Among the group of relatives are the orphans Chabe and Chuy, who, against all odds, will overcome the challenges. As the competition progresses several family members are disqualified, others drop out on their own, and others die. Chabe and Chuy reach the final challenge, against a lumberjack and his son, who have constantly cheated them in the competition. Despite the cheating, Chabe and Chuy manage to win, and there they discover that aunt Agueda did not die she simply organized everything to see who was worthy of her inheritance, as she is aware that she is an old woman. Chabe, Chuy and Águeda with two other relatives will live together as the family the orphans always wanted to have.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title El jardín del mar
    Author Sophie Goldberg
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Grijalbo
    ISBN 9786073188289
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 296
    Format Printed
    THEMA Historical fiction
    Synopsis Sometimes the family becomes a fortress, one that not even the most merciless war can bring down. Bulgaria, 1942. Boris III must hand over 20,000 Jews to the Nazis for extermination, but the king and his people will not give in. So does little Albert, only six years old, resists when SS officers forcibly take his father away. Now he is the man of the family, and he must look after his younger brother and his mother, who seeks to keep her children safe from the horrors of war and not to give up hope of being with her beloved husband once again. Based on real events, El jardín del mar tells through the eyes of a child the never-before-told story of the unique fate of the Bavarian Jews during World War II.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title La noche viene sin ti
    Author Julio Prado
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara
    ISBN 9786073801911
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 288
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis Gonzalo Ríos is a young prosecutor who has just been transferred to the Children and Adolescents Unit. He receives rows of files with horrifying testimonies that he has to prioritize and amidst a bureaucratic tangle that does not respond to the victim's needs. As if that were not enough, he is appointed to investigate cases of illegal adoptions and will have to face mafia law firms, submissive judges, nursery homes that offer babies over the Internet, a lucrative business that will turn Guatemala into one of the countries with the highest number of children given up for adoption after Russia and China. The recent paternity of the prosecutor ignites such an empathy with the victims and a desire not to intrude into their private lives that, far from protecting them, will crumble at the impossibility of living two such disparate realities.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Las águilas de Tenochtitlán
    Author Enrique Ortiz (TLATOANI CUAUHTÉMOC)
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Grijalbo
    ISBN 9786073195546
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 416
    Format Printed
    THEMA Alternative history fiction
    Synopsis Tenochtitlán, 1487. A confederation of rebellious peoples confronts the Mexica empire: it interrupts their trade routes and refuses to pay their tributes. The army of the Triple Alliance led by the huey tlahtoani Ahuízotl responds with an imminent declaration of war. However, a conspiracy is hatched in the very heart of the empire in order to overthrow the leader. The fate of Ce Océlotl, the young son of a veteran of past battles, may change the course of events. Marked by an omen from the day of his birth, he will pursue his destiny to become a great warrior and to be remembered by his people. Set in the pre-Hispanic era, Las águilas de Tenochtitlán is an epic novel in which betrayal and loyalty, the thirst for revenge, power and honor come together in a plot full of conspiracies and the most deadly battles.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Oda a la soledad y a todo aquello que pudimos ser y no fuimos porque así somos
    Author Gisela Leal
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara
    ISBN 9786073153621
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 632
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis María Helena del Pozo de Rivera knows very well what she wants and has always achieved it. Hers are the kingdom, the power, the glory: She could swim in money, since she is married to a powerful businessman. She is beautiful and refined, an example of good taste and the soul of the parties. Moreover, to her absolute joy, she has a first-born in whom she has high hopes: brimming with qualities, real and imaginary, Renato is destined not only to run the business emporium created by his father, but, in time, to make her a proud grandmother. Nothing is perfect: Maria Helena has another son, a potential suicide... Why does Emiliano Rivera del Pozo wants to commit suicide? Because he lost all interest in the hypothetical future. Because this is an inhospitable world, conducive to loneliness. Because he is indifferent to opulence, power, social glitter. Because he thinks in his parents, and especially in his mother, he could never and never will be someone other than the invisible son on whose qualities it would be wrong to have expectations.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title El día que no fue
    Author Sandra Lorenzano
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara
    ISBN 9786073184434
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 200
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction: special features: Yaoi / BL novels
    Synopsis The anonymous protagonist of this novel has been expelled from the life of her loved one. Living in a happy and stable relationship with a man, she discovered the true and most complete love in a woman. Without a second thought, she took the risk and threw herself into a romance that would last longer than a decade. But happiness did not let her see that the day of the breakup would come, and it would not only bring loneliness, but a deep fear. Fear because the person she loved could now become her worst enemy. A present fear that reminds her of older fears exile, disappearances, violence. Alone, locked up with her thoughts, she recalls scenes from the past. The joy of that time does not comfort her: it wounds her with subtlety. The memories hurt, the photos are now pieces of memory. Pieces that she will have to pick up and put away in some corner in order to be able to move on.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title La noche se me fue de las manos
    Author Max Ehrsam
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara
    ISBN 9786073180702
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 280
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction: special features: Yaoi / BL novels
    Synopsis One freezing morning, two men look at each other through the window of a Chicago coffee shop. They lightly touch with their eyes, as if they knew each other from before, from another life. They do not speak to each other, they only record each other's figure and wait for a fortunate chance to make them meet again. And yes: that same night they coincide. The physical attraction is instantaneous; the sex is pleasurable. Their reciprocal desire for a loving relationship is in part incited by recreational drug. Despite the fact that one of them must move to the opposite corner of the country and give up his life as an escort and as a psychotherapist, they start a life as a couple, installed exclusively in the present; in a world without history and without future. However, after a period of absolute happiness, the past bursts in with devastating force and precipitates this love story towards a sad, almost tragic end.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Se curan rotos, descosidos y deshilachados
    Author Alex Toledo
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara I & J
    ISBN 9786073171489
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 264
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s / Teenage: LGBTQ+: Coming out
    Synopsis Did they break your heart? Despite the pain you may be are feeling, yes there is life after a breakup, there is even much more and better love. This is about turning the page. Because falling in love (again) is okay. For those who love all the time, those who have ever fainted of love and, even so, they continue to believe. Stop feeling broken and live complete, willing to meet other complete beings. You know that there are uncomfortable truths, even reckless but... necessary. They reveal what you need to hear and not what your fantasy tells you. You will be able to laugh, cry and even want to throw away the towel, but one thing is certain: after reading this book you will not be the same person. If you need a few stitches, these pages will be your best tailor.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title El viaje de los colibríes
    Author Sue Zurita
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Grijalbo
    ISBN 9786073821001
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 224
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis El viaje de los colibríes already has a place in the hearts of Mexican readers, since Sue Zurita published an independent edition eight years ago which reached more than 70,000 people. This new edition revised and updated includes a new chapter: a new ending for Romina. What became of her? Where did she go? What experiences did she have? All this is told in the new ending of the novel. The Romina's life represents the life of all those who dream of going far away and embracing a new future, with the main expectation of love and the encounter with themselves. El viaje de los colibríes is a flight without end, in which Romina decides to make different stops. She meets friends, opens strange cages, discovers unexpected wings and conquers the sky inside her...
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Esperanza Iris: Traición a cielo abierto
    Author Silvia Cherem
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Aguilar
    ISBN 9786073167659
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 352
    Format Printed
    THEMA Biography, Literature and Literary studies
    Synopsis Singer and businesswoman Esperanza Iris is a legend in Mexico's show business. From humble origins that led her to work since she was a child, with great international successes for her voice and her charisma, she had numerous personal misfortunes among them the death of her children and unfulfilled loves. In this powerful work Silvia Cherem tells of the life and sufferings of this Mexican operetta star; supported by an extraordinary investigation, Esperanza Iris: traición a cielo abierto details the delirious love affairs and lavish tours of this Mexican singer, details how the construction of the singer's great theater came about, the romances with the acclaimed singers of those times, and at the same time the attempt bomb planned by her husband on an airplane where she was flying , which when discovered, plunged the diva into a world of pain, dementia and abandonment. The book is a portrait of a woman who triumphed and loved like no other, but who had misfortune as a companion throughout her life.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title El lado B de la cultura
    Author Julia Santibáñez
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Reservoir Books
    ISBN 9786073800693
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 200
    Format Printed
    THEMA Society and culture: general
    Synopsis More than a book, this object is a carnival of fifty seasons that parades behind the scenes of Mexican culture. Tin Tan and Pita Amor, María Félix and Monsiváis, Piporro and Tongolele, Nahui Olin and Jorge Ibargüengoitia the generation of the beats, and Marilyn Monroe, Vitola and José Revueltas, among many others. As they pass by, they tell us about their vices, superstitions, their quarrels and nicknames, their affairs and the cabarets they visited. Guided by Julia Santibáñez's insatiable curiosity, we find out who were guests at Lecumberri and who were invited to Carlos Fuentes' house; which writers played the role of actors and which books and films enjoyed the reverse marketing of censorship and why. Find out here what ceremonious books will never say about writers, artists and intellectuals.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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