Mostrando los 10 resultados de "PRODUCCIONES SIN SENTIDO COMÚN"

  • Title Kayum Mapache
    Author Luis Antonio Rincón García
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078469864
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 80
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis In the thick Lacandon Jungle, under the shelter of a sapodilla, Kayum, an intrepid Lacandon boy, rescues three little raccoons from the jaws of a puma. From that moment on, his life becomes more complicated, it is also beautiful and exciting, Kayum - accompanied by his ring-tailed friends - will have increasingly incredible adventures, which will make him understand the value of animals, nature and community.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title El nacimiento del bejuco
    Author Luz María Chápela
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078897100
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 24
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis The "bejuco" produces enormous vines with which the people of the forests and tropical jungles weave chairs, tables and baskets. But how was the Bejuco born and under what circumstances? This story, in Tseltal and Spanish, tells this story, which takes you to the heart of the jungle on a moonless night.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Roboteando
    Author Julieta Montelongo
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756933
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 80
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis What are robots? What do they have inside?
    This book is a meeting
    for you to know and play
    with those metallic beings.
    Do you like to experiment?
    Read this book and… you'll see!
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Los olvidados del futbol
    Author Jorge Estrada
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756902
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis One cloudy morning, two novice journalists found a strange portfolio with almost two hundred pages joined by a rusty clip. Those threadbare pages today make up this shiny book, which narrates in detail the exorbitant lives of a handful of footballers that only a few know. There are thirteen football prodigies who sailed the seas of comedy, tragedy and epic, to finally sink into oblivion in the vast ocean. And although glory ignored them, this volume revives them to form the ideal lineup of the Los Olvidados del futbol team.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title El misterio del ninja
    Author Sabeli Ceballos Franco
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756919
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis “The stars are my eyes, the wind is my ear, my determination is my strength,” reads the Magokoro code of the Ninja, a mysterious character, who puts Nela, Fili, Sipo, Masio and Pinocchio, a friendly group, in check. of friends, who begins to know the absurd world of adults. Join them on their hilarious adventures and discover the secrets hidden in Machiyo, the town with strange names where strange things they happen.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Ciudad de México
    Author Alejandro Rosas
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756704
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 280
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis With five centuries of history behind it, twenty generations and just over nine million inhabitants, Mexico City is a varied and chaotic megalopolis. Its streets, neighborhoods and corners are overflowing with endless anecdotes to discover.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title El Cascarrabias
    Author Carlos Enrique Gómez Umaña
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078897155
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 40
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis The Grouch is always in a bad mood and also carries a cloud of sadness around him. When he is accidentally hit by a ball, his courage grows and this makes him fall into a well. But what could have been misfortune is a haven for the heart – with his sister, who keeps him company at night – despite slowly losing his hair. This book shows us that a bad mood brings problems, although if we enjoy our surroundings calmly and with those who love us, life is much better. Ab
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Mi mejor amiga es una ranita bien chistosa
    Author Fernando Sotelo
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078897117
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 48
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Dogs, cats, some rodents, insect canaries are usually the favorites of families to choose them as pets, but for this little girl, a little frog and its croaking, its ability in the water and its impressive jumps become the perfect company, and day by day, he discovers a new adventure. Winning book of the La Matatena 2022 National Illustrated Children's Story Award, awarded by the Secretary of Culture of the State of Querétaro.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Bichos
    Author Roberto Rojo
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756841
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis From land, air and water, fifteen bugs come to land in this book. In a biological and cultural approach to these little animals, their anatomy, their origin and their functions are described, as well as the legends, poems and even recipes of which they are protagonists. In these pages, science is mixed with the tradition of the indigenous peoples of Mexico and some of the world to show the beauty and complexity of these small living beings and their importance within our society.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title Arañas
    Author Roberto Rojo
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078897209
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 136
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis -
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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