Category: SM MEXICO

Mostrando 61–72 de 299 resultados de "SM MEXICO"

  • Title La moneda de la muerte
    Author Enrique Escalona
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072427495
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 152
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis After the strange disappearance of his father, young Damián Diosdado is forced to take charge of his family's detective agency. One night he receives an unexpected visit from a rich heiress who asks him to recover a valuable coin that belonged to her grandfather, a retired general. It is a silver peso that Pancho Villa had minted during the Revolution with the inscription "Muera Huerta". The investigation will lead Damián to immerse himself in a Mexico City full of dangers and secrets.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Las leyes del marino
    Author Antonio Abascal Díaz Barreiro
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072444201
    Edition number 5
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis A very singular navigator embarks with his young nephews and his daughter on an exciting and risky adventure that will take them through the most diverse places of the ocean and of their own lives. Here, the sea is a metaphor for existence. Going out to fish in the open sea in a rowboat requires courage, decision and daring, just like life itself, but to what extent should one respond to the challenges that arise at every moment? Where is the right balance between courage and prudence? The laws of the sailor give a possible answer: they are the rules that the strange navigator has abided by to govern his own life, and that he shares with whoever freely wishes to adopt them. Humor, fantasy and suspense merge in this novel to achieve an agile narration that generously invites reading.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Las leyes del marino
    Author Antonio Abascal Díaz Barreiro
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072429468
    Edition number 5
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis A very singular navigator embarks with his young nephews and his daughter on an exciting and risky adventure that will take them through the most diverse places of the ocean and of their own lives. Here, the sea is a metaphor for existence. Going out to fish in the open sea in a rowboat requires courage, decision and daring, just like life itself, but to what extent should one respond to the challenges that arise at every moment? Where is the right balance between courage and prudence? The laws of the sailor give a possible answer: they are the rules that the strange navigator has abided by to govern his own life, and that he shares with whoever freely wishes to adopt them. Humor, fantasy and suspense merge in this novel to achieve an agile narration that generously invites reading.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El lápiz de labios del señor presidente
    Author Antonio Malpica
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072427143
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 160
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis A friendly retiree has become a ruthless killer. Or so it seems. His name: Maré. A deplorable unplanned prank put him in the same place where someone took the life of a woman. All the clues point to him as the culprit and the persecution against him begins. While escaping from justice, and in order to return to his placid life, he must piece together the puzzle of the crime. The key piece: Mr. President's lipstick. The recounting of the vicissitudes of the innocent Maré tinges this novel with bitter irony, in which only humor gives momentary respite to suspense.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Donde habitan los ángeles
    Author Claudia Celis
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072437470
    Edition number 11
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Why does everyone we love in life have to disappear?. Pancho, the protagonist of this novel, asks himself. During the vacations, Pancho and other nephews and nieces of Tacho and Chabela fill the family home in San Miguel with joy. In those brief seasons, the uncles forget the sadness that the death of their son left them. When the vacations come to an end, all the nephews return home, but on one occasion Pancho does not: abandoned by his attractive widowed mother, and after waiting a long time for her, he becomes the son of his uncles.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Donde habitan los ángeles
    Author Claudia Celis
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072427167
    Edition number 11
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Why does everyone we love in life have to disappear?. Pancho, the protagonist of this novel, asks himself. During the vacations, Pancho and other nephews and nieces of Tacho and Chabela fill the family home in San Miguel with joy. In those brief seasons, the uncles forget the sadness that the death of their son left them. When the vacations come to an end, all the nephews return home, but on one occasion Pancho does not: abandoned by his attractive widowed mother, and after waiting a long time for her, he becomes the son of his uncles.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El códice perdido
    Author Federico Navarrete
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072437500
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Mexico-Tenochtitlan has fallen into the hands of the Spaniards and a new city begins to rise over the ancient Mexica city. Francisco Cuetzpalómitl, or Lizard Bones, a survivor of the war of conquest, commissions a very special codex from a painter of codices. The work will demonstrate to the Spaniards who are the true owners of the lands that the defeated Mexica nobility intends to appropriate. Things get complicated when the codex is stolen. This forces Francisco and his son, Santiago, to undertake a desperate and dangerous search.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El Club de la Salamandra
    Author Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9789706884923
    Edition number 4
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 224
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Rudolph Green is a young translator whose big dream is to become an expeditionary. His great opportunity comes when he is given the task of translating a mysterious message found inside a can of tomato juice. From here begins a fabulous adventure that will take him to cross the world in all directions and to know disturbing revelations guarded by a secret society.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El Club de la Salamandra
    Author Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072427181
    Edition number 4
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 224
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Rudolph Green is a young translator whose big dream is to become an expeditionary. His great opportunity comes when he is given the task of translating a mysterious message found inside a can of tomato juice. From here begins a fabulous adventure that will take him to cross the world in all directions and to know disturbing revelations guarded by a secret society.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El complejo de Faetón
    Author Andrés Acosta
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072447349
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 184
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis After high school, Rigo decides he must find out if his father really exists or if he is a portrait hanging in his living room. His quest takes him to the border town of Jitania, where he will have unimaginable experiences, such as piloting a small plane. An unexpected setback lands him in the Juvenile Protection Council, where he meets Don Polo, a psychologist who will give him new keys to understand himself.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El complejo de Faetón
    Author Andrés Acosta
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072438385
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 184
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis After high school, Rigo decides he must find out if his father really exists or if he is a portrait hanging in his living room. His quest takes him to the border town of Jitania, where he will have unimaginable experiences, such as piloting a small plane. An unexpected setback lands him in the Juvenile Protection Council, where he meets Don Polo, a psychologist who will give him new keys to understand himself.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El año terrible
    Author Tamar Cohen
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072418059
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2015
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis I am a mountaineer who is climbing Everest with the most ultramodern equipment: climbing shoes, harness, helmet, protein bars, water and even a small compass. Suddenly an avalanche, who knows where it came from, sweeps me away and sets me back a day and a half of trekking; I lose everything, even the little mother's compass. And as if that were not enough, it starts snowing, the sun disappears, I'm ten degrees below zero and I have no idea what to do. That's a crisis. Now try moving everything into my bedroom." Dana doesn't want to get out of bed, she doesn't want to eat, she's sad, she cries...she speeds up and shuts down. What's wrong with Dana and why? All the doctors tell her different things and prescribe thousands of medications. Dana is fed up: she will have to be the one to put an end to this unbearable situation... A book that deals with the subject of depression from the very voice of a young woman who experiences it.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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