Mostrando los 9 resultados de "TEXTOFILIA"

  • Title Gorilas en el techo
    Author Karen Karake
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia Infantil
    ISBN 9786078713233
    Edition number 2a
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 164
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis That afternoon their teacher shouted: Gorillaz on the roof! Karen didn´t know either to cry or run. She didn't know that her life was about to be undone. A little later, her family announced that they were moving. Whaaaat? The hairs on her neck stood up. The real tragedy strikes when she arrives in a new country that she couldn't even find on a map, with a language she doesn't understand. Now she has one out of two options: either lock herself in a shelf or to go out and experience the lemons that life is offering her. With a spontaneous language, sharp and fun, the protagonist of this story shares with us her adventures and misfortunes adapting to Israel. Nevertheless, Karen also will discover the surprise of her first kiss, the power of friendship and how wonderful life can be, even though it also has its heartaches.    
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Fridu, Friducha, Frida: Un día en familia
    Author Alonso Mercado; Ricardo Sánchez-Riancho
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia Infantil
    ISBN 9786078713134
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 28
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Fridu, Friducha, the pet names given by her parents and sisters as a little girl to iconic mexican figure: Frida Kahlo. Between rhymes, songs and plays, accompany her through a journey to discover, in everyday activities in the traditional Coyoacan neighborhood, at Mexico City, the importance of the family. Authorized directly by the Kahlo family and with the correct license over the artist's name, this title will enlighten little but significant details about the icon´s childhood.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Un pez fuera del agua
    Author Gonzálo Sánchez de Tagle
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078892167
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 160
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis El Espíritu, el Ser y la Muerte son quizá los tres más grandes misterios que envuelven y, aunque irresolutos, dan sentido a la existencia humana. En estas páginas, Sánchez de Tagle nos regala, a manera de íntimos ensayos, una perspectiva muy personal sobre qué somos en el universo, pero jamás de manera conclusiva: muy atinadamente el autor, quien no pretende dar respuestas, acerca desde su óptica la única realidad tangible; somos ignorantes de dónde estamos y a dónde vamos, pero no por eso debemos dejar de vivir y agradecer a la vida cada bocanada de aire, así seamos como peces fuera del agua.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title La realidad de las luciérnagas
    Author Gonzálo Sánchez de Tagle
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078713561
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 130
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis This first short story book by Gonzalo Sánchez de Tagle is in the middle of fascination for the past and the interpretation of our present. The characters are diverse as a preacher that tries to be autocratic in the times of the New Spain, the son of mythological Ayax, a bureaucrat that after gray years of existence plans his own assasination, the british writer John Milton -to whom God and the Devil dictated Paradise Lost- and a priest incapable of stopping his tears, among many others.  Each one of these characters questions, in a brave and foolish avalanche, the certainties from which they should live. They are all beings dissatisfied with accepting the certenties that might shape their existence, those who keep the rest of the world satisfied. The Reality of Fireflies is a book full of notable moments that create restlessness in the mind of its readers.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title De estirpe guerrera
    Author Bertha Balestra
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078713639
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 241
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis The young Angel Doria, an indigenous man that carries in his veins the royal blood of the tlatoanis and the legendary admiral Andrea´s, is present to the birth of the New Spain. In the opposite direction of the Europeans traveling into America, Angel navigates the sea to find his father, but also some glory and fortune in the genoves court. From the devastated ruins of the ancient Tenochtitlan to the noise of the canons in the battle of Lepanto,  A Warrior's Lineage is not a novel about the turbulent Golden Age, in which God tries to go after Allah and Huitzilopochtli, but rather a thought about the origins and the cultural inheritance. Angel Doria incarnates the mixture of cultures and values that will create Mexico as a Nation and a State.  Aren't we all the product of some miscegenation?
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Sangre
    Author Irma Zermeño
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078713691
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 380
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis Through fascinating characters of Mexican History, among which the father of the author is also present, Zermeño drives us into the depths of the old XXth century Mexico, where violence and machismo live next to the fragility and vulnerability of emotions. Dead, absence, lost and the never ending search for the father figure are fundamental subjects in this carefully written novel. This book truly showcases the complexity of Mexican identity, but also, our identity as human beings.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Las décadas perdidas
    Author Carlos Farfán
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078321827
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 86
    Format Printed
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis The stories in this book speak, with great naturality, about important and fundamental moments in the History of Mexico during the XXth Century. From the most common and daily lives, the characters, made out of flesh and bone, question their very existence and subjects such as love, sexuality and corruption. The language shows us a way in which Neoliberalism settles in the politics of the country. This way, the author achieves an attractive volume of stories that reflects a crucial stage of the development of the nation, without forced lessons or moral subtexts, but only using the historical context as a background that creates a notable balance between literature and history.  
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Tres cruces
    Author Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078713356
    Edition number 2a
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 124
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis Three Crosses is the true story of a country torn by violence and narcotraffic. Each one of the three main characters carries guilt, fear, ignorance and death. Lua is a girl who grew up playing next to a clandestine grave pit, which used to be her grandmother´s storing facility; she has been coexisting with the dead. Estela, her grandmother, carries on her life being an alcoholic full of secrets. “Ponzoña” is  a hitman perpetually tormented by his killings. Alejandro Paniagua creates with Three Crosses an intimate geography of the violence lived day by day in Mexico with the precision of a sniper.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Nadie duerme en el mundo
    Author Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078892204
    Edition number 1a
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 88
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano shows us in his newest novel a complex portrait of relationships, fatherhood and, above all, the terrible burden inflicted on those suffering a disease and the people around them. Narrated in brief and overwhelming chapters, the protagonist, a night guard of a ladders´ warehouse, displays the most private lives of its characters: the intimacy of their thoughts. Andino, his life partner, goes through the aftereffects of an illness, which its existence destroys their relationship and their family.  This forces the protagonist to take refuge in his inner world and to make decisions only despair and love could explain. 
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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