A cada cual su cielo

Title A cada cual su cielo
Author Fabio Morábito
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456110
Edition number 1
Publication year 2020
Pages 120
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
Synopsis A cada cual su cielo is written, in a way, against the idea of importance. Minimal situations acquire an unexpected superiority: the poet has expanded his method of looking at things in such a way that he can’t find considerable differences between them. The feet of Turkish women; bed sheets hung up at the rooftop that free us from the idea of God; the consent to lose a tooth for each well-written poem are some of the glimmers that strike the poet from different angles, forcing him to dig every time in a new direction to find meaning in his life.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo
E-mail michelle@edicionesera.com.mx

