De estirpe guerrera

Title De estirpe guerrera
Author Bertha Balestra
Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
Imprint Textofilia
ISBN 9786078713639
Edition number 1a
Publication year 2021
Pages 241
Format Print and digital
THEMA Fiction and Related items
Synopsis The young Angel Doria, an indigenous man that carries in his veins the royal blood of the tlatoanis and the legendary admiral Andrea´s, is present to the birth of the New Spain. In the opposite direction of the Europeans traveling into America, Angel navigates the sea to find his father, but also some glory and fortune in the genoves court. From the devastated ruins of the ancient Tenochtitlan to the noise of the canons in the battle of Lepanto,  A Warrior's Lineage is not a novel about the turbulent Golden Age, in which God tries to go after Allah and Huitzilopochtli, but rather a thought about the origins and the cultural inheritance. Angel Doria incarnates the mixture of cultures and values that will create Mexico as a Nation and a State.  Aren't we all the product of some miscegenation?
foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos

