El cuaderno de Pancha

Title El cuaderno de Pancha
Author Monique Zepeda
Publisher SM México
Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie naranja
ISBN 9786072437517
Edition number 5
Publication year 2016
Pages 112
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis Pancha writes two stories: hers with Peter and that of teacher Zu. Although it took some work, she was able to make a place for both of them not only in her notebook, but also in her heart. It all started the day Zu skipped school. Well, Pancha doesn't tell it in that order, because what is important to her is not what happened, but what she remembers.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres
E-mail estela.ruiz.torres@grupo-sm.com

