El hombre crucigrama

Title El hombre crucigrama
Author Roberto Abad; Kenia Cano
Publisher Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Imprint Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial
ISBN 9786073075756
Edition number Primera edición
Publication year 2023
Pages 97
Format Print and digital
THEMA Biography, Literature and Literary studies
Synopsis In any cafeteria, in any city, a man chooses a table, takes off his raincoat and hat, asks for a double expresso and after a reflective pause begins to narrate the very brief and surprising stories that inhabit these pages. Each one is a paradox, a question that opens before the world and also a clue to complete the task that the man sitting in that lonely cafe has set himself, to give meaning to his life, which is about to end: he wants to create a crossword puzzle out from the world hidden behind each of these stories.
foreign rights contact Lic. Felipe de Jesús Santa Rita Nava
E-mail felipe.santarita@libros.unam.mx

