El lado B de las emociones

Title El lado B de las emociones
Author Calixto, Eduardo
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Aguilar
ISBN 9786073830959
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2023
Pages 280
Format Printed
THEMA Self-help, personal development and practical advice
Synopsis In this book we will learn why we yield and under what circumstances to the most intense sexual desires; how childhood traumas are projected in our present; what uncontrolled laughter indicates if we go through a tragedy, a severe physical pain or a great sadness; what are the signs of a deep loneliness or a fear without limits that can lead to a chronic illness. El lado B de las emociones is a provocative work because it confronts us with lucidity and forcefulness about aspects that we fear, deny or simply hate. Eduardo Calixto reaches deep down to talk to us about our anger, resentment, shame, the result: a book with shocking explanations about our most sinister behaviors, the truth about perverse acts and, more than anything else, the keys to know our abysses, face them and fill them with light.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

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