Escribir el crimen

Title Escribir el crimen
Author Roberto Coria Monter
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078805198
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 160
Format Printed
THEMA Crime and mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction; CBVS - Screenwriting techniques; Crime and mystery: police procedural
Synopsis This book has the mission of providing elements for anyone who wants to give a solid foundation to a narrative set in the worlds of crime. It is dedicated to writers, film and TV scriptwriters, journalists, and Criminal Law and Forensics students who wish to incorporate this knowledge into their work. I do not intend to limit the creative freedom of the author, nor to preach from a pulpit of scientific or legal correctness, but I fervently believe that if one is to delve into this or any topic rooted in reality, one has the obligation to do so convincingly.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez

