Ese espacio, ese jardín

Title Ese espacio, ese jardín
Author Coral Bracho
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456318
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 64
Format Print and digital
THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
Synopsis This long poem is the scenery where several characters play a moving part, such as the fox, the jaguar, the ubiquitous clown, children dripping with joy and an interlocutor that the poetic voice addresses with loving dedication. It is the touching space of childhood, that brightens and incessantly lays down a vital spot. But it is mostly the place of natural wonder, described with talent, always marked by fine rays of light, sparkles and reflections that covers it, simultaneously, of a sharp clarity and a just as sharp certainty of fleetingness. As in this space, in this garden, this life is supported by the roots of death. This book was translated into Italian and published by Edizioni Kolibris in 2015
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo

