Estrella y espiral

Title Estrella y espiral
Author Adolfo Gilly
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456172
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 120
Format Print and digital
THEMA Literary essays
Synopsis This generous constellation is made by conferences, commemorative texts, reading notes, essays and letters, inhabited by Gilly’s teachers and friends: Octavio Paz and his admired André Breton; Friedrich Katz and Pancho Villa; Victor Serge and Mexico as his last refuge; Bolívar Echeverría, “stubborn utopias creator”; Juan Gelman and his sharp questions. The splendid prose of Adolfo Gilly, so close to poetry’s rhythm and images, accompanies the reader to go over all the themes that have been a part of his work through the years.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo

