Había un perro bajo la cama

Title Había un perro bajo la cama
Author Eduardo Cerdán
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078805235
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 112
Format Printed
THEMA Short stories; Contemporary horror and ghost stories
Synopsis Dogs and humans compete to be the fittest in these stories that explore desire, disenchantment, masculinity, and the limits of sanity. Life, here, becomes a great farce. Their characters come close to embarrassment, ridicule, and always find a new way to fail. Here are outcasts trying to clone their pet because losing it seems unbearable, dead people who don't know they are dead, impossible couples, ruined trips... Dogs are a constant: they are protagonists or accessories, painted in one piece but also fragmented in the traces they leave behind.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez
E-mail editorial.nitropress@gmail.com

