
Title (In)visibles
Author Bárbara Anderson
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Aguilar
ISBN 9786073820745
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2022
Pages 336
Format Printed
THEMA Disability: social aspects
Synopsis In Mexico, more than 16% of the population, close to 21 million or 1 in 6 Mexicans million or 1 out of every 6 Mexicans has some type of type of disabling condition, why does it seem that we know of so many fewer cases? Because people with disabilities in Mexico are an invisible force. If it is not every four years that the Paralympics are held, if the the Paralympics, if it is not the International Day of PwDs, if it is not that the government gives fiscal benefits to promote the labor insertion of this group, the rest of the time, people with disabilities live in the shadows. This book seeks to shed a little light on just twenty-four of those millions we don't see. With disabilities from birth or acquired and of various types, and originating from various parts of the country, Olympic medalists, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, executives, politicians, public servants, artists, activists, lecturers, academics, lawyers, a doctor and even a stand-up comedian tell their stories for the first time with resilience, courage and purpose for the first time: to be references for other PwDs and to motivate the general population to be agents of change, to contribute to multiply that light and ensure inclusion in all aspects of life. A heartbreaking, inspiring and sui generis book in which the journalist and activist activist Barbara Anderson lends her pen to give voice to those who do not count, while renowned photographer Enrique Covarrubias illuminates their faces for the first time with a view among equals. (In)visibles is a reading that radically changes the way in which we see disability, moves consciences and invites to action.
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Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

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