La cárcel del feminismo. Hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial

Title La cárcel del feminismo. Hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial
Author Adlbi Sibai, Sirin
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786079564186
Edition number 1
Publication year 2016
Pages 320
Format Printed
THEMA Epistemology. causality. human gender
Synopsis Inspired mainly by Latin American decolonial thought, the so-called Third Wave feminisms and the Islamic thought of the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abderrahman, this work proposes a profound critique of the epistemological foundations of Islamic feminisms, while exploring the urgency of a decolonial Islamic thought as the answer and perhaps the only, but not unified, possible solution to the crisis of contemporary Islamic thought. It is an invitation to begin a different journey of true Islamic intracultural and intracivilizational dialogic introspection whose basic premise is paradoxically based on "the consciousness of Non-Being" in the context of the "empire of the annulment of the Other" and that offers us real possibilities of liberation and regeneration, as well as an anti-capitalist, anti-sexist, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-class and anti-colonial reintegration into the presents and futures from which, as colonized subjects, we have been expelled. From a renewed decolonial reading of Islamophobia as one of the structures of power, control, government and subalternization of Islam and Muslims in the modern/colonial world-system, this research shows how Islamic feminist discourses are a reactive response to it. . In this sense, they can be read from what Judith Butler has called "the paradox of subjectivization", which is that the discourses that resist such norms are themselves enabled or created, even by those same norms, which represents a constitutive limitation that, although it does not annul their capacity for social agency, does turn them into repetitive or rearticulating discourses inherent to power.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos

