La casa irracional

Title La casa irracional
Author Pedro Friedeberg
Publisher Trilce Ediciones
Imprint TRILCE
ISBN 9786078460526
Edition number 1
Publication year 2018
Pages 392
Format Printed
THEMA Arts, forms of artistic expression
Synopsis Pedro Friedeberg is a unique artist and perhaps the last representative of surrealism. Based on his architectural studies and a protest against functionalism, he established anti-architecture as one of his main lines of work. Throughout these pages we will find the furniture that has made this artist internationally famous: canvases of architectural fantasies with references to Tantric writing, Aztec codices, Catholicism, Hinduism, symbols of the occult, as well as all the distinctive features of the eccentric and very peculiar style of Friedeberg's work.
foreign rights contact Déborah Holtz

