La noche se me fue de las manos

Title La noche se me fue de las manos
Author Max Ehrsam
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Alfaguara
ISBN 9786073180702
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2019
Pages 280
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction: special features: Yaoi / BL novels
Synopsis One freezing morning, two men look at each other through the window of a Chicago coffee shop. They lightly touch with their eyes, as if they knew each other from before, from another life. They do not speak to each other, they only record each other's figure and wait for a fortunate chance to make them meet again. And yes: that same night they coincide. The physical attraction is instantaneous; the sex is pleasurable. Their reciprocal desire for a loving relationship is in part incited by recreational drug. Despite the fact that one of them must move to the opposite corner of the country and give up his life as an escort and as a psychotherapist, they start a life as a couple, installed exclusively in the present; in a world without history and without future. However, after a period of absolute happiness, the past bursts in with devastating force and precipitates this love story towards a sad, almost tragic end.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.
