Las décadas perdidas

Title Las décadas perdidas
Author Carlos Farfán
Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
Imprint Textofilia
ISBN 9786078321827
Edition number 1a
Publication year 2019
Pages 86
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction and Related items
Synopsis The stories in this book speak, with great naturality, about important and fundamental moments in the History of Mexico during the XXth Century. From the most common and daily lives, the characters, made out of flesh and bone, question their very existence and subjects such as love, sexuality and corruption. The language shows us a way in which Neoliberalism settles in the politics of the country. This way, the author achieves an attractive volume of stories that reflects a crucial stage of the development of the nation, without forced lessons or moral subtexts, but only using the historical context as a background that creates a notable balance between literature and history.  
foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos

