Las mujeres y las sombras del amor. De enamorarse como siempre a amar como nunca

Title Las mujeres y las sombras del amor. De enamorarse como siempre a amar como nunca
Author Blanca Olivia Velázquez Torres; Georgina Sánchez Ramírez
Publisher ECOSUR
Imprint El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
ISBN 9786078429820
Edition number 2
Publication year 2019
Pages 150
Format Printed
THEMA Society and Social Sciences
Synopsis Throughout the world —including Mexico— the number of divorces has increased substantially in the last 35 years, to which are added the silent separations of those who did not sign a paper to be in a couple. This reflects that the duration of relationships that have been founded on the assumption of love is increasingly fragile. This book invites us to rethink ourselves (mainly women), to look at ourselves in the mirror to start loving with a healthy self-esteem and avoid falling into the shadows of love.
foreign rights contact Laura López Argoytia

