Los brotes de la milpa. Mitología mesoamericana

Title Los brotes de la milpa. Mitología mesoamericana
Author Alfredo López Austin
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456400
Edition number 1
Publication year 2024
Pages 248
Format Print and digital
THEMA History of the Americas: pre-Columbian period
Synopsis From the myth of the Sun’s birth through the sacrifice of two gods at Teotihuacan, the flood that reorganized the world, the origin of human beings and the creation of land animals, up to the deep transformation of the indigenous understanding of the cosmos because of the colonial regime, this book offers valuable materials for the construction of Mesoamerican mythology. In these versions, prepared, prefaced and commentated on by Alfredo López Austin, it is possible to listen to the magnificent voices of the Popol Vuh, the Leyenda de los dos Soles and, amongst others, to numerous Quiché, Huichol, Mixe, Nahua, Maya and Tzeltal tales.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo
E-mail michelle@edicionesera.com.mx

