Los padrotes de Tlaxcala

Title Los padrotes de Tlaxcala
Author Juan Alberto Vázquez
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Aguilar IDEAS
ISBN 9786073829755
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2023
Pages 288
Format Printed
THEMA Violence and abuse in society
Synopsis Tenancingo, a small town in Tlaxcala, is known for being one of the epicenters of human trafficking not only in Mexico, but of the whole world. From there, entire families of pimps have spread their million-dollar business throughout Mexico and a good part of the United States. Mexican governments have done little to dismantle these networks, suggesting corruption and complicity with those who practice this sadistic trade. But some of these criminals have fallen. In this thorough investigation Juan Alberto Vázquez tells the story of five clans of padrotes who have been tried in New York courts. Their violent beginnings, their methods of recruiting vulnerable girls and women, their extortions, their criminal psychology. At the same time, the testimonies of female victims of this crime and their difficult path to integrate into society, the efforts of activists to confront trafficking, the legal ambiguities in which white slavery traffickers operate. Undoubtedly, Los padrotes de Tlaxcala is a hard and heartbreaking book that shows the perverse side of the consumer society, whose machinery has created a market for sexual slavery.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

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