Morir de tiricia y carcelazo

Title Morir de tiricia y carcelazo
Author Sylvia Arvizu
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078805167
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 112
Format Printed
THEMA Crime and mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction; Reportage, journalism or collected columns
Synopsis Sylvia Arvizu spent 15 years in jail. She wrote two books about her experiences there and the cases of her inmates. Her life has offered her powerful anecdotes, but also put her amidst stories that she has learned to share with talent and sensibility through a wide range of narrative forms. Polishing and sharpening them has made her win an important literary price with one of her first books as well as with this one, where beside the stories of incarceration also appear those of her freedom on parole, which start just when the lockdown for the Covid pandemic was implemented in her city.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez

