Oda a la soledad y a todo aquello que pudimos ser y no fuimos porque así somos

Title Oda a la soledad y a todo aquello que pudimos ser y no fuimos porque así somos
Author Gisela Leal
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Alfaguara
ISBN 9786073153621
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2017
Pages 632
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction: general and literary
Synopsis María Helena del Pozo de Rivera knows very well what she wants and has always achieved it. Hers are the kingdom, the power, the glory: She could swim in money, since she is married to a powerful businessman. She is beautiful and refined, an example of good taste and the soul of the parties. Moreover, to her absolute joy, she has a first-born in whom she has high hopes: brimming with qualities, real and imaginary, Renato is destined not only to run the business emporium created by his father, but, in time, to make her a proud grandmother. Nothing is perfect: Maria Helena has another son, a potential suicide... Why does Emiliano Rivera del Pozo wants to commit suicide? Because he lost all interest in the hypothetical future. Because this is an inhospitable world, conducive to loneliness. Because he is indifferent to opulence, power, social glitter. Because he thinks in his parents, and especially in his mother, he could never and never will be someone other than the invisible son on whose qualities it would be wrong to have expectations.
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