Pedro Friedeberg

Title Pedro Friedeberg
Author Pedro Friedeberg
Publisher Trilce Ediciones
Imprint TRILCE
ISBN 9786078745562
Edition number 2
Publication year 2023
Pages 448
Format Printed
THEMA Arts, forms of artistic expression
Synopsis An obsession with furniture and objects without a function detached from boredom, along with canvases of architectural fantasies perfectly overloaded and detailed to the point of including, most of the time in a single work, references to tantric writing, Aztec codices, Catholicism, Hinduism and the symbols of the occult, are the distinctive features of Pedro Friedeberg's eccentric and very peculiar style. More than 400 images and succinct articles written by specialists make up this book, which is read in laughter and causes addiction; where even the most rigorously documented texts are crossed by the cramp and breakdown produced by the life and work of this great international artist.
foreign rights contact Déborah Holtz

