Poesía reunida, 1977-2023

Title Poesía reunida, 1977-2023
Author Coral Bracho
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456325
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 552
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
Synopsis Coral Bracho’s poems not only announce, like a whisper, a new beauty: they display it continually before us. And it is up to us that such extraordinary beauty has a place in the world; therefore, the invitation to the reader of this unique book, a poetic world that has life and radiates beyond literature. Because Coral Bracho goes beyond literature to transform it and give us a work that appears before us as what poetry should always have been: a radical incident of the spirit and of sensitivity. This volume includes all of Coral Bracho’s published books.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo
E-mail michelle@edicionesera.com.mx

