Por amor a mí

Title Por amor a mí
Author Lozano, Alma
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Aguilar
ISBN 9786073834537
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2023
Format Printed
THEMA Self-help, personal development and practical advice
Synopsis "Por amor a mí is a wonderful work that addresses in a brilliant, entertaining, fun and interactive way the concept of love as a feeling, the content of emotions and how transcendental it is in our lives. With wonderful prose, kind to our concepts and that makes us reflect, reading Por amor a mí is a beautiful journey through the physiology and psychology of love, it is an invaluable work, without precedent." Eduardo Calixto

"Por amor a mí is a wonderful way to remember that self-love is the first step to heal emotionally and love what we do with intensity. A work full of wisdom that, in a simple and practical way, will positively touch your life." Dr. César Lozano

"Por amor a mí is a book of consultation and work to stop feeling the emptiness of someone else and value our presence in life. Alma Lozano is a feminine voice, fresh, spontaneous and very prepared, who questions paradigms and replaces them with self-pity." Gaby Perez Islas

"Por amor a mí by Alma Lozano, more than a book, is that piece of the puzzle that we were missing to understand the painful, it is that answer we were looking for so much when we were asked: 'And what happened to you?', but above all, it is that necessary information to learn to love the most important person, the true companion of your darkest days: you. This book taught me that it's not always okay and that's okay." Yordi Rosado

foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

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