Saúl y los felinos

Title Saúl y los felinos
Author Juan Casas Ávila.
ilustrado por Emmanuel Peña
Publisher Editorial Cayuco S.A. de C.V.
ISBN 9786079834418
Edition number 1
Publication year 2019
Pages 32
Format Print and Ebook
THEMA Children's/youth fiction: stories about school; picture book; teaching students with learning difficulties and social, emotional or behavioral difficulties; stories about family and home; siblings; personal and social issues: disability and special needs; diversity/inclusivity; truancy and problems at school.
Synopsis Saúl's sister is very worried about him, apparently he doesn't learn the same way as her and they are twins. Could it be that Saúl fails the school year and they cannot continue together at school? Saúl needs another method and a good teacher demonstrates it. Tale of empathy and respect.
foreign rights contact Andrea Garza
Vicente Yrízar

