Sombras detrás de la ventana. Cuentos reunidos. Nueva edición ampliada

Title Sombras detrás de la ventana. Cuentos reunidos. Nueva edición ampliada
Author Eduardo Antonio Parra
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456301
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 600
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
Synopsis Only a few times in the history of Mexican literature has an author become, at such a young age, a classic. Violence, a worn-out theme in our country’s narrative due to decades of rhetorical abuse, melodramatic routine and ideological blackmail, is reinvented in Parra’s stories as a literary theme, as if all the forms of cruelty and defenselessness were, to him, brand new. The publication of these Cuentos reunidos makes justice to this fact.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo

