Tiempo y liberación. Exordio a pensamientos liberatorios, vivenciales y decoloniales

Title Tiempo y liberación. Exordio a pensamientos liberatorios, vivenciales y decoloniales
Author Vallega Arredondo, Alejandro Arturo
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786078683147
Edition number 1
Publication year 2019
Pages 368
Format Printed
THEMA Critical philosophy
Synopsis We will make an exception: for this book we will not talk about its themes or the authors with whom it dialogues, but rather its effects. Hidden within its pages is an invitation to live, think and position oneself from Latin America, which—in short—means nothing other than experiencing the crisis at all times. Latin America understood as a temporary, dynamic fact; a being-being that situates, but also transforms. Living in crisis is, then, presented as a fruitful option towards new modalities of consciousness. The route that we present here does not go through ideal concepts; in fact, it avoids the transcendental: it is on cultural consciousness and concrete experience (from the Latin concrescere, “grown by accumulation”) that the yeast of this book works. In the analysis of daily living/dying as a phenomenon, we are presented with a path towards that which is understood through the senses and not reason; towards what is prior to concepts and even to the acquisition of language: to what is involuntary/embodied memory. It is in the concrete and radical meeting of all these parts that a decolonial key is offered: time as a linear (and progress) structure that leaves everything behind, opens to simultaneous times that operate as a tool to situate Latin American consciousness in its pluriversality, in an ecstatic, simultaneous structure, open to affective and memorial dimensions in a being exposed in skin, heart and mind to what is different.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos
E-mail jorge.betanzos@akal.com

