Vacaciones en el faro maldito

Title Vacaciones en el faro maldito
Author Domenica Luciani
Publisher SM México
Imprint Novelas Teen
ISBN 9786072432512
Edition number 1
Publication year 2018
Pages 232
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis Jerry is a nice and restless boy who always carries his binoculars and his detective case, because he wants to be like his idol, Sherlock Holmes. During his summer vacation he is looking for a case to solve. After two failed attempts, he ends up on the beach of Lido Funesto, on whose nearby island there is a lighthouse shrouded in mystery that Jerry wants to uncover with the help of his intrepid friend Tilla, the mischievous dog Morti and a critter named Watson. What they don't imagine is that they will live a hectic and dangerous adventure full of ghosts and surprising revelations...
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres

