Where Do Dreams Come From?

Title Where Do Dreams Come From?
Author María de Jesús Nieto; Zoraida Vásquez Beveraggi; Esmeralda Ríos
Publisher Libros para Imaginar
Imprint Libros para Imaginar
ISBN 9786079537067
Edition number 1ra.
Publication year 2011
Pages 32
Format Printed
THEMA Picture storybooks
Synopsis Have you ever wondered where dreams come from? A girl and her mother fly off with a few words of magic to find the answer. On their way, they witness unimaginable events: amidst the colored lights, stellar winds, stars and clouds, they discover the Moon and its Lady, the Ancestral Mother and the Huntresses of Crazy Dreams, among others. But will they find the answer?
foreign rights contact Ixchel Delgado Jordá
E-mail info@librosparaimaginar.com