Zopilotes. Los limpiadores del ambiente

Title Zopilotes. Los limpiadores del ambiente
Author Paula Enríquez Rocha; Julio Coutiño Molina; Sophie Calmé; Laura López Argoytia
Publisher ECOSUR
Imprint El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
ISBN 9786077637370
Edition number 2
Publication year 2020
Pages 41
Format Printed
THEMA Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
Synopsis Vultures deserve to be number one in a collection about misunderstood animals; their appearance and way of feeding do not make them very attractive. This "biography" undertakes the task of offering information kindly arranged to understand and appreciate such scavenger birds, the characteristics that make them unique and their functions in the balance of the Earth's ecosystems.
foreign rights contact Laura López Argoytia
E-mail llopez@ecosur.mx

